Understanding the idea and strategy of virtual water trade is critical for formulating informed policies to increase water usage efficiency at various levels. The implementation of the concept of virtual water as a creative water-saving technique in Egypt, however, is still in need of comprehensive testing, research, and feasibility evaluation. Egypt also requires extensive investigations, surveys, and feasibility evaluations. At present, as a percentage of water supplies, Egypt's net virtual water import has risen to 23.55 percent. The primary concern here is to apply virtual water as a strategy that meets the interests and goals set out in Egypt's National Water Management Plan. The key concern of this paper is investigating the general use of virtual water as a water-saving technique in Egypt. It outlines the water scarcity problem and its indicators, supply and demand for water resources in Egypt, and water scarcity forces in Egypt. Going to virtual water in economic ideas history, the definitions of virtual water and water footprint, then virtual water as an analytical instrument and a political strategy. Finally, water saving from virtual water trade and its advantages and disadvantages in Egypt. In order to follow the introduction of the virtual water definition in the national water management policy of Egypt, A clear vision and understanding of its advantages and disadvantages according to the conditions of Egypt is required. Further analysis and a thorough understanding of the impacts and experiences on the local social, economic, environmental, cultural, natural and political situation is needed for this new definition as a policy choice in Egypt.
Khaled Mohamed El-Sayed El-Batanouny, Hadeer. (2021). Virtual Water Trade as a creative water-saving technique. المجلة العلمية للدراسات التجارية والبيئية, 12(1), 121-173. doi: 10.21608/jces.2021.168734
Hadeer Khaled Mohamed El-Sayed El-Batanouny. "Virtual Water Trade as a creative water-saving technique", المجلة العلمية للدراسات التجارية والبيئية, 12, 1, 2021, 121-173. doi: 10.21608/jces.2021.168734
Khaled Mohamed El-Sayed El-Batanouny, Hadeer. (2021). 'Virtual Water Trade as a creative water-saving technique', المجلة العلمية للدراسات التجارية والبيئية, 12(1), pp. 121-173. doi: 10.21608/jces.2021.168734
Khaled Mohamed El-Sayed El-Batanouny, Hadeer. Virtual Water Trade as a creative water-saving technique. المجلة العلمية للدراسات التجارية والبيئية, 2021; 12(1): 121-173. doi: 10.21608/jces.2021.168734