The impact of Design Element of E-advertising on Social Network Platforms on sales growth Mohamed Abdel Moez Aly Youssef

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


PhD Researcher, Sadat Academy for management sciences, Cairo, Egypt Marketing manager at Soudanco co., Egypt


Objective: Increased exposure on social media sites makes consumer vulnerable to digital advertising, promoting them to make a purchase. However, concentrated marketing necessitates devising innovative strategies for intriguing customers. This study assesses the impact of E-advertising’s Design on Social Network Platforms on Sales Growth
Method: Descriptive analytical research design was adopted with the use of questionnaire as data collection instrument. A sample of 385 respondents was randomly selected and test instrument administered on them.
Results: It showed that advertising design majorly affects the sales growth (69.6%), Conclusion: The Design must be used on E-advertising on Social Network Platforms on sales growth.

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