“Studying the relationship between Perceptual Mapping and Marketing Effectiveness”

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


1 Ph.D Candidate at Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University - Egypt

2 Professor of Marketing, Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University - Egypt

3 Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University - Egypt


With the population increase in the world and thus the increase in the number of private universities, both in developed and developing countries, including Egypt; consequently, it increased the competition between private universities, so it’s necessary to have a new mechanism for decision makers in these universities, such as perceptual mapping to determine the position of universities to achieve marketing effectiveness. Thus, the purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between perceptual mapping and marketing effectiveness; and to determine the role, importance and applying of perceptual mapping and their impact on enhancing and achieving marketing effectiveness within private universities in Egypt.

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