The Effect of Intellectual Capital on Achieving the Competitive Advantage in the health sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية



This study aimed to highlight the role of intellectual capital and its components in achieving competitive advantage in the health sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and then provide recommendations that should be taken into account in intellectual capital to achieve competitive advantage. The study used the descriptive and analytical approach, and secondary and primary data were collected using a questionnaire designated for data collection, and it consisted of a sample of (148) employees in senior and middle management (director, deputy/assistant director, and department head). in the health sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The program used to measure the data is the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The researcher used descriptive and statistical analysis. The study reached a number of conclusions, including that there is a high level of intellectual capital dimensions in the health sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and it was also found that it has a high level of competitive advantage. It also found a statistically significant effect of intellectual capital in its dimensions (human capital Structural capital, relational capital) on competitive advantage. In light of the proposed conclusions, some recommendations were presented in the health sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain. They centered around continuing to develop its intellectual capital in order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage in the health sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

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