The role of lifting energy subsidies in achieving economic and social efficiency in Egypt

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


1 PhD researcher in economics - Faculty of Politics and Economics - Suez University

2 Professor of Economics and former Dean - Faculty of Commerce - Banha University

3 Assistant Professor of Economics - Faculty of Politics and Economics - Suez University


      The study aimed to evaluate the current impact of lifting energy subsidies in Egypt on economic and social efficiency, the study used the inductive method, and the study concluded that subsidies can provide relief in the short term and stabilize energy costs, It also leads to long-term shortcomings and financial challenges, from a social standpoint, the effectiveness of subsidies in improving equality and accessibility is often limited, to achieve economic and social efficiency, subsidies must be carefully designed so that subsidies is targeted more effectively to ensure it reaches those in need it most. 

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